Major Asana Update Walkthrough

If you logged into Asana recently and everything looked different and you're not sure how the heck to find anything anymore, I gotchu! If you haven't gotten upgraded yet, I promise it's coming, so follow this walkthrough to get prepared!

You can either watch the video here or keep reading below:

Sidebar Redesign

First things first, when you log into your account after the update, you'll notice some changes to the sidebar. The insights section is now detachable, meaning you can choose whether to see it or toggle it down. If you prefer the old look and want to keep your projects in a similar spot, you can keep the insights section visible. However, if you don't use the insights feature, you can toggle it down and move it to the bottom to prioritize what matters most to you.

Starred Section

Next up is the starred section, which has replaced the old favourites section. This new feature works similarly to its predecessor but now allows you to include people as well. By clicking on a person, you can view all their tasks. Personally, I'm still experimenting with this change, as there's also a new section called "Top Projects" or "Most Recent Projects" that automatically lists projects based on your preferences. Feel free to play around with these options and let me know what you decide in the comments!


Now, here's the big one—the Teams section has undergone a significant transformation. Previously, the team name was followed by a list of projects underneath. However, the new update groups teams together. You can scroll over a team name to see the associated projects on the side. One important note: the archives are no longer visible here. To access your archives, click on the team, select the filter option, and choose "Archived Projects." This is also where you can reorder projects by dragging and dropping. While this change may take some getting used to, the update offers quick access to additional options, such as inviting teammates and creating projects.

New Customization

Customization options have also been expanded in the new sidebar. You can now resize it to your preference, making it larger or smaller. Additionally, you have a choice between a light and dark color scheme for the sidebar. To adjust these settings, click on your profile picture, go to settings, navigate to the display section, and select your desired sidebar and top bar color.

Top Bar Redesign

The top bar has undergone some rearrangements as well. The plus button, previously on the right, is now on the left side. The back and forward arrows have also switched sides, and the search bar now sits in the middle. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these changes to navigate Asana smoothly.

And that's a wrap on all the key features of the new Asana update! I hope this guide has helped you understand the changes and how they can enhance your productivity. If you're looking for further assistance with Asana or want to streamline your business operations, I have just the solution for you—my brand new course, Asana Essentials.

Asana Essentials is designed to help you set up Asana from scratch, optimize its usage to suit your needs, and boost your efficiency. The course includes detailed video tutorials, 15 strategic templates with pre-built workflows, and expert guidance on making the most of these resources. To sign up for Asana Essentials, click here. Trust me, it's an investment that will revolutionize the way you work.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you found this post informative and that it has clarified any doubts you had about the new Asana update.


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