How to Create a Habit Tracker in Asana

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and disorganized? Do you need an easy way to keep track of your daily or weekly habits so that you actually do them when you intend to? In this post, I'll explain how you can create a habit tracker in Asana that will transform your productivity and help you stay on track with your goals, whether they are personal or business related.

You can either watch the video here or keep reading below:

Creating Your Asana Habit Tracker

First things first, open a new project in Asana. Assuming you're already familiar with the platform, this new project will be added to your existing organization. Next, organize your habits into sections. For example, you can have sections like "Health," "Personal Development," and "Household." Now, add tasks under each section corresponding to the habits you want to track. For instance, if your goal is to improve your health, you might have tasks like "Work Out," "Take a Daily Nature Walk," and "Drink Eight Cups of Water."

Setting Due Dates and Recurring Tasks

After listing your habits, set due dates for each task according to when you plan to start them. Then, set the tasks to repeat on each day you want to do the habit. For instance, you might start your workout habit on Friday and repeat it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Assigning and Managing Tasks

Now, you’ll want to assign the tasks to yourself. However, instead of assigning every single habit task to yourself (this will clutter your My Tasks list), I recommend assigning yourself just one task in your "My Tasks" section as a recurring daily task to check in on your habit tracker. This keeps your daily to-do list manageable and focused on work-related tasks.

The Power of the Calendar View

For an efficient overview of your habits, set the default view of your habit tracker to the calendar mode. This way, every time you open the tracker, you'll see your habits in a calendar layout. As you check off completed tasks, the next scheduled occurrence will appear, giving you a clear picture of what needs to be done and allows you to see which days were skipped.

Keeping the Chain Intact

A great way to motivate yourself and maintain a streak of successful habits is by using colored tags. When you add a tag for each habit, you can quickly see if you've missed any. If you ever skip a day, you'll notice a gap in the colored tags, and you can make adjustments accordingly.

Expanding Asana for Personal Use

Besides habit tracking, Asana can be an invaluable tool for personal use. You can create templates for various tasks like travel planning, Christmas preparations, and more. If you're interested in exploring these possibilities, check out my template bundle.

So there you have it - a simple yet powerful habit tracker right within Asana that will revolutionize your productivity and help you achieve your goals. Give it a try and let me know what you think!


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