Boost your Productivity and Creativity with Canva's AI Features

If you're a creator, you absolutely need to check out Canva's AI features. In this post, I'll show you how to use them to save time and create amazing content with ease. And trust me, the last one is my absolute favorite!

You can either watch the video here or keep reading below:

Magic Write in Canva Docs

While Chat GPT is currently all the rage, it's worth noting that a very similar feature is available in Canva as well. I often use it when Chat GPT is at capacity since I don’t use the paid version of Chat GPT. And I've never had an issue with Canva being at capacity, so there might be something to that.

To get started, go to Canva and click on the "doc" option. Once you're in the document, hit the plus button and then click on "magic write." From there, you can type in any prompt you want. For example, you could type in "create five ideas for Instagram posts for an online business manager," and it will generate five ideas for you in just a minute. It's super quick, simple, and amazing.

Presentation Drafts

The next feature I want to tell you about is for presentations. Go to "presentation," and then choose "magic design." This feature will save you so much time. Type in a prompt like "how to start an online business," and it will create a presentation for you in seconds. It will even give you suggested slides, along with similar styles that match your brand's colors and fonts. It's like having an assistant that outlines your presentation for you.

Text to Image

Now, for my favorite feature! If you're not a designer but need custom images or graphics, this feature is a game-changer. Choose "create design," and then select your desired design format, such as an Instagram post. Then, click on "text to image," and you can get it to create whatever you want. For example, if you type in "women working on computer," it will generate images of women working on computers. You can even customize it further by selecting specific traits you want, like "blonde hair." It's amazing how much you can do with this feature. And if you don't like the real portraits of people, you can get it to create graphics or cartoons instead.

I hope this post was helpful for you!


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