A question for online business owners who are maxed out

I wanted to do a more raw post today, at the start of the new year, and tell you a little bit about why I started helping online business owners with Asana and general management.

And I want to ask you a question too.

You can either keep reading or watch the video below:

Let's start with the question I have for you.

So, you've been really successful so far and now you're maxed out. You're ready to start implementing systems and get the backend of your business more together so that you can really grow and scale.

My Question for You

So, my question for you, though, is WHY?

WHY do you want to get your business more organized or streamlined and under control? Why do you want to grow and scale? What is your ultimate goal?

But really think about it for a second.

Most likely, there are real, important reasons beyond the surface level.

If your business consists of scattered, incomplete pieces, and you want them all put together in a systemized way, why?

Maybe it's reaching more and more people so that you can impact more people and change more lives.

Maybe for you it's a feeling of Zen, of calming the chaos, so that you can show up more fully in your personal life.

Dig deeper.

Why do you even want those things, if those are things you want?

I don't want to answer this for you, but I do want to share my reasons with you for why I want to help you do this in your business. Why I do what I do. What my ultimate goals are.

My Why

I talk a lot about how I love helping to save you from wasting time thinking about what you need to do each day and end up doing double the work. I love to help you take control of your business once and for all! I don't want to see you wasting time trying to figure out how to do it on your own. These systems changed my life, and I knew I needed to share them with you so they could change your life too.

But, if we go deeper, I have even bigger reasons below the surface.

As you may know, I started out as a holistic nutrition coach. I struggled a lot with my physical and mental health after the birth of my daughter, which lead me to my health journey, which lead to me becoming certified in holistic nutrition. Then, I, of course, wanted to help others.

I started out helping postpartum moms, but that proved to be extremely challenging for reasons I won't go into detail about here. But, that is where a big passion of mine still lays. I am passionate about supporting people who need help like this - whether it's new moms struggling with their mental wellness, or people who are trying to have better nutrition habits.

However, I didn't thrive as a coach and realized pretty quickly that my true calling was behind the scenes working in and managing online businesses.

But I see coaches out there doing amazing things.

Like my one client, for example. She's an amazing person helping women with sugar addiction and emotional eating. But she helps them with the inner work. So, we are helping her clients with their overall wellbeing - from emotional health to physical health. She is doing amazing work and I'm so grateful to be able to support her.

So, if I can help them, the ones who are good at the coaching and the transformations of other people's lives, if I can help them save time and stress in their business behind the scenes so that they can more fully show up to do the important work with their clients, then that makes a difference.

And, I am indirectly helping the people who need help with their health or moms who need support - physical or mental.

By helping the coaches who help them, save time in their businesses, free up time so that they can help even more people, I am helping more people with their health and wellbeing.

And I'm indirectly helping more people than I would have been able to as a coach. By helping multiple clients help their multiple clients, and by making it easier for them to help even more clients, I'm helping soooo many people.

And if these coaches, my clients, are helping people like me, moms, women, struggling with their wellbeing or with parenting. These are my people. These are the people I crave to help. This is my passion. Just in a different way than I thought. This is worth it. They are worth it.

That's my why.

So, what is it for you?

Why - really why - do you want to have a more streamlined business?


How to actually use Asana and HAVE IT WORK FOR YOU


Asana Tutorial for Beginners (2024)