How to Add a Team Member to Asana: A Step-by-Step Guide

It's an exciting time in your business. You've added your first team member! Woohoo! Go you!! But, now you're wondering how to start working with them in Asana. How do you add them to your Asana account? Don't worry, it's simple and I'll show you how!

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Let's dive into this tutorial and explore the various ways to add a team member to Asana.

Method 1: Using the Plus Sign

The first way is by using the plus sign in Asana. Click on it, select "Invite," and then choose the team you want to invite your team member to. You can also select specific projects within that team. Simply enter their email address and click "Send." Once they accept the invitation, they will be automatically added to the selected team and project. They will only have access to the team and project you assigned them.

Method 2: Inviting from a Team

Another way to add a team member is by going directly into a team. Scroll over the team name and look for the "Invite Teammates" option. In the new version of Asana, it will appear as an invite button next to the team name. Alternatively, you can right-click on the team and select "Invite Teammates." Enter their email address and click "Send."

Method 3: Adding from a Project

You can also add team members from a specific project. If you scroll over the project name, you'll find an "Add Members" option. Click on it, follow the same process as before, and invite them via email.

Method 4: Adding from the Share Button

To add team members to a project, you can use the big blue "Share" button. Click on it, follow the same steps as mentioned earlier, and invite them by email.

Method 5: Adding Members to Existing Projects

If you've already added team members to your Asana organization, you can add them directly to a project without re-entering their email address. Simply click within the project, start typing their name, and choose from the list of available members.

Controlling Access and Privacy

Remember, anything you add team members to, they can see. If you add them to a project, they will have access to the entire project. However, if you only want to assign them specific tasks within a project without granting access to the entire project, you can do so. Use the "Assignee" option to assign a task to them individually, or make them a collaborator to grant them access to that particular task. This way, they won't be able to view the rest of the project.

Maintaining Privacy and Flexibility

If you prefer to keep things private, you can assign tasks to team members without adding them to any team or project. Alternatively, you can create separate projects and teams to keep specific information private. It's up to you to decide what works best for your business.

That's it! Now you know how to add a team member to your Asana account.


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