Asana Workspace vs. Organization

What not to do when creating your Asana account (and how to correct the mistake if you did)

If you want the best Asana experience, with the highest level of organizational abilities, you need to sign up to Asana in a specific way. I see this mistake with my clients all the time, and I actually made the same mistake back when I first signed up for my Asana account, so don't fret if you've already signed up the other way. I will show you how to fix that in this post too! I want you to have the best experience, so if you want that too, then keep reading!

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Setting the Stage for Success

So, you've signed up for Asana already, and when you log in, you only see one team. You don't have the ability to add more; you just have the one team with a list of projects underneath. Well, that means you signed up for a Workspace instead of an Organization. The Workspace is a more limited version of Asana, meant for personal use, whereas the Organization is designed for businesses, allowing you to have multiple teams. This can be a game-changer for better organizing your projects and various aspects of your business.

The Key Difference

The only difference lies in the email address you used to sign up with your Asana account. If you have a Workspace, it means you signed up with a personal email address like Gmail or Hotmail, instead of a business email with your domain name at the end. If you haven't signed up for Asana yet, remember that using your business email is the way to unlock these extra organizational features. It's as simple as that.

Switching from a Workspace to an Organization

Now, if you've already signed up with a Workspace and want to switch to an Organization to access those additional options, I've got you covered. Here's how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Your Asana Account: Log in and click on your profile picture in the top right corner.

  2. Access the Admin Console: In the drop-down menu, select "Admin Console."

  3. Go to Settings: On the Admin Console page, click on "Settings."

  4. Convert to Organization: Look for the option that says "Convert your workspace to an organization" and click on it.

  5. Enter Your Business Email: You'll see a field where you can enter your new business email address with your domain name at the end.

  6. Click Convert: After entering your business email, click the "Convert" button.

That's it! You now have the ability to add as many teams as you want and separate your projects into as many sections as you want, providing much better organization. Projects will be grouped within those teams, rather than all in one big, long list under one team.

I hope this guide has been helpful for you.

I'll see you next week with another helpful post. Thank you so much for reading!


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